"At this time in my life I am experiencing a renewal and a reawakening of my divine gift channeled through Art and Music"......

The Fairfax Street Choir

Isa has loved living her life through self expression in the Arts.  As a choreographer, singer and dancer in the Fairfax Street Choir here she is, front and center with a white gardenia in her hair, dancing with Wendy Palmer on the left and Lynnie Roth on the right to the  song "Angel Of Darkness".
"When I create an image in glass I try to reach into that deep space inside that directs me on how to use color, shape and the interplay of light to create a vision that transforms the viewer". 
You can reach Isa at Luminous-Light Studio     isa.foulk@gmail.com
Another example of Isa's incredible artistry can be recognized in this stained glass window of an Egret flying over the Bay and in the Dragon below.
There is a vitality, a life force, a quickening, that is translated through you into action and because there is only one of you in all time this expression is unique. And if you block it it will never exist through any other medium and will be lost...Your business is to keep the channel open.
A quote from Martha Graham

Isa Foulk
 Linda Haggerty

In 2013 Isa was the Coordinator of the reformed Fairfax Street Choir.
Her unending vision was a blessing to us all.