"Train To Glory"  our first CD  and "Let Your Light Guide You
Home" our 2nd CD are available on iTunes and through:
choralisrecords.com and/or clyde@sonicstew.com
Both albums can be downloaded from Apple Music and Spotify.
Questions for the Choir?
Contact marla@thefairfaxstreetchoir.com

Clyde Niesen CEO Choralis Records, Producer, Bassist,
Songwriter and Sound Tech for the Fairfax Street Choir.
Clyde recorded concerts and produced CDS and DVDS
for the following organizations: American Choral Director's
Association, Coastal Honor Choir, Golden State Choral
Competition, CMEA competitions and workshops, Napa
Valley Choral Classic.
Studied at the San Francisco Conservatory of Music
Marla Hunt Hanson
Founder, Director, Keyboard Player, Songwriter,
Arranger, Soloist for the Fairfax Street Choir, Consultant
to Saddle Road Productions based on The Big Island Of
Hawaii, Original member of the all women band The Ace
Of Cups from the 1960s.

Bill Craig
Technical Engineer, Computer Graphics, Guitarist,
Songwriter, Arranger, Director, Production Manager,
Professional Photographer, Tenor Section             

Hosanna Bauer
(Karen Trefts)
Lead Soloist, Middle Section for The Fairfax Street Choir, 
Website Editor and Historian